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Standards Based Grading
We use Standards Based Grading in the Rocklin Unified School District for English Language Arts and Math. This means students are assessed on specific content standards and progress is reported out as:
4- Exceeds
3- Met
2- Nearly Met
1- Not Met
Your child will not receive letter grades on individual assignments and tests or on their report cards. Instead they will receive a numerical score that explains their level of achievement on a specific standard. It is very normal for a student to earn "2" marks which means Nearly Met during the first and sometimes the second trimesters. The goal is for students to receive a mark of "3" in all standards by the end of the year.
Homework and Classwork
Homework and classwork is scored according to the following criteria on a 10 point scale:
10- Excellent, Good quality work, complete and turned in on time
7- Satisfactory, Work quality that meets the minimum quality standards and is complete and turned in on time
5- Needs Improvement, Work is incomplete, very poor quality and/or turned in late
Standards Based and Homework/Classwork marks are entered online throughout the week and updated every Tuesday. All scores can be accessed online through the Aeries Parent Portal. Paper grade reports go home with students for parent signature approximately every other week. I always accept late work which will receive a score of 5/10 (as opposed to 0/10) or potentially full credit if a homework pass is used.