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Homework is given Monday-Thursday with occasional work on special projects or make-up work to be completed on the weekend. Total time on homework per day should be about 1 hour per night, Monday-Thursday.
Reading: Accelerated Reader, reading a book of the student's choice. Students should read around 30 pages (not minutes) each night in order to make progress toward their individualized goals. The goal with AR is for students to be immersed in words and to find and read books they enjoy. With these goals in mind I let students read books at any level. The best way to be a good reader is to read a lot!
Students graph their percentage progress toward meeting their AR goals each Tuesday in class and this information is also found in "Learning Practice" in Aeries.
Writing: Students may have writing homework usually only if they have unfinished work from the class day
Math: Students have approximately a page front and back of math homework each night Monday-Thursday, this is assigned their math teacher, Mrs. Oglesby
Science/Social Studies: One assignment is given per week in either science or social studies (we alternate units of study). This is given Monday and due Friday. These assignments generally have the goal of students sharing what they've learned with family members or of helping to learn study skills.
Other: Any classwork for the day that is not complete becomes homework and students have occasional larger projects.